
Upcoming Events

To stay informed about upcoming events, be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Regular Activities

Our primary mission is to be a community collectively practicing the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother in day to day life. As this yoga does not proceed according to a structured outward method, but rather by a subtle and flexible inward process that varies over time and from one person to the next, there are relatively few standard activities that characterize us.

The unifying quality of our community life is inward — we each try to maintain and strengthen our relation with the Divine in all activities. Outwardly, we generally spend our days working for the ashram in many different ways.

Weekly Study Groups

Throughout the week we gather together in the evening for collective meditation and to read and discuss words from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Guests and visitors are always welcome to participate. Currently, the weekly schedule for evening activities is:

Monday 7:00pm – Study Group: Savitri
Wednesday 7:00pm – Study Group: The Synthesis of Yoga
Friday 7:00pm – Study Group: Letters On Yoga III
Saturday 7:00pm – Collective Meditation

Monthly Retreats

On the third Saturday of every month we host a collective retreat, which serves as an opportunity for the wider community of devotees and visitors to come together and take part in a day-long program organized around a particular theme.

Each retreat is facilitated by a different volunteer, and the schedule and particular activities of the day are chosen to suit the theme. Regular retreat activities include talks and presentations, reading and discussion, group meditation, small group sharing, free time, karma yoga (work dedicated to the Divine), as well as a potluck lunch and dinner.

Here is the schedule of upcoming collective retreats for 2024/2025:

Aug 17th – Light and the Consciousness of Color – with Pravir & Margaret
Sept 21st – On Thought and Original Thinking – with Dhairya & Angelo
Oct 19th – Awareness through the Body – with Amir
Nov 16th – The Psychic Presence and Compassion – with Karen Mitchell
Dec 21st – Peace, Calm, Quiet, Silence – with Angelo
Jan 18th – Sound – with Kalpen & Kinjal
Feb 15th – The Mother in Savitri, cont. – with Debashish Banerji
Mar 15th – Physical Training in the IY
Apr 19th – The Mother in Savitri, cont. – with Debashish Banerji

To receive a monthly announcement that describes upcoming retreat themes and activities, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Darshan Days

A special program and meditation is prepared for every Darshan day. Usually the programs take place in the evening but not always, so if you would like to join please contact us or subscribe to the newsletter for more details.

The observed Darshan and other special days are as follows:

January 1: New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31 10:30 p.m. – 12:00 midnight)
February 21: The Mother’s Birthday
February 29: Supramental Manifestation Day (Golden Day)
April 19: Relics Day
April 24: The Mother’s Final Arrival Day in Pondicherry
August 15: Sri Aurobindo’s Birthday
November 17: The Mother’s Mahasamadhi
November 24: The Siddhi Day
December 5: Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi

To stay informed about upcoming events, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham,
an ashram for the practice of Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga