This Ashram was created with another object than that ordinarily common to such institutions, not for the renunciation of the world but as a centre and a field of practice for the evolution of another kind and form of life which would in the final end be moved by a higher spiritual consciousness and embody a greater life of the spirit.
Sri Aurobindo
In Sanskrit, a peetham is described as a sacred place or ‘seat’ for tapasya (spiritual discipline). The name Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham was given to us by a revered elder of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1993 after our center reincorporated with the aspiration to become a true place for the practice of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga in a collective ashram environment.
The aim of this small ashram is to provide a place for those who, in The Mother’s words, “wish to serve the Divine” and offer themselves in all their parts and activities in a collective sadhana (practice of yoga).
Mission Statement
To provide a place for those who are sincerely interested to practice Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and offer themselves in all their parts and activities in a collective sadhana where food, shelter, simple basic necessities and a field of work are provided for this purpose.
To be a regional center for the Integral Yoga family by hosting a monthly retreat; and to provide opportunities for deeper study of the Integral Yoga teachings through individual volunteering, study groups and use of library facilities.
To collaborate with Auroville, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and other organizations with similar aims and aspirations towards the realization of human unity and the divine life upon earth.
To distribute the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and other classical spiritual writings from India to individuals, libraries, bookstores, universities, centers and other organizations.
To discover a true collective harmony amongst ourselves united in our aspiration for the Divine Consciousness.
To dedicate a physical place and field of action for the manifestation of the “New Creation”.
About the Ashram
The Lodi Ashram, which houses the Relics of Sri Aurobindo, sits on 3 acres in an agricultural area surrounded by fields and vineyards. There is a main house and a few outbuildings in a beautiful, natural setting. The community is self-supporting through sales of books, incense and Ayurvedic products. Karma-yoga work exchange programs are offered, and visitors are welcome. Each month there is a day-long collective yoga retreat, throughout the week there are collective study groups and meditations, and the annual Darshan Days are always observed each with its own special program. Occasionally there are talks, presentations, musical offerings, and other unique offerings. See the Activities page for more information, and Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed about upcoming events.
Although the primary purpose of the ashram is to maintain a residential community for intensive sadhana of the members, providing a place for the spiritual nourishment of fellow devotees, friends and visitors has become equally important.