The Incarnate Word – incarnateword.in – The complete works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, freely available and with advanced search options.
AuroMaa – auromaa.org – Regularly updated with beautiful posts related to the Integral Yoga.
Collaboration – collaboration.org – Hosted by the Sri Aurobindo Association of America, publisher of the Collaboration Journal, dedicated to Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga in America. The Community page offers an overview of all the Integral Yoga centers and organizations throughout the US.
AuroInspirations – sa15.in – A daily dose of inspirations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
The Mother’s Guidance – themothersguidance.com – An introduction to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Teachings, with selected passages for a wide range of topics.
All India Magazine – aim.aurosociety.org – A monthly magazine of Sri Aurobindo Society. The latest issue is always available for free online.
Savitri by Sri Aurobindo – savitrithepoem.com – A website dedicated to Sri Aurobindo’ epic poem Savitri. With the full text, Sri Aurobindo’s letters on Savitri, the Mother’s comments, and more.
Savitri.in – savitri.in – Another website devoted to Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri, with recordings of the Mother reading Savitri, original articles and more.
Auroville Wiki – wiki.auroville.org.in – A growing reference for information about Auroville, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Integral Yoga and the new consciousness.
Library at SASP – libib.com/u/sasp – An online catalog of the library here at Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham in Lodi.
Centers & Organizations
Sri Aurobindo Ashram – sriaurobindoashram.org – The original ashram of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in Pondicherry, India.
Auroville – auroville.org – The international township conceived by the Mother, ever-evolving and in progress, located near Pondicherry, India.
Sri Aurobindo Society – aurosociety.org – A large organization founded by the Mother with approximately 50 branches and 300 centres in India and abroad dedicated to the aims and ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Sri Aurobindo Association of America – collaboration.org – SAA hosts the collaboration.org Integral Yoga website, publishes Collaboration, a journal for Integral Yoga, supports the annual All-USA Meeting (AUM) Integral Yoga conference and other gatherings related to Integral Yoga, as well as various projects related to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, and Integral Yoga in America.
The Foundation for World Education – foundationforworldeducation.org – FWE awards grants to incorporated nonprofit organizations around the world that support integral education, human unity, conscious evolution, and a transformed world as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Matagiri – matagiri.org – A Sri Aurobindo Center located in the Catskill Mountains of New York.
Integral Knowledge Study Center – iksc.org – An active center in Pensacola, Florida. The first center outside India to receive and house Sri Aurobindo’s relics.
Sri Aurobindo Learning Center – sriaurobindolearningcenter.com – A center nestled at the base of the sacred Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Crestone, Colorado.
Sri Aurobindo Center of Los Angeles – sriaurobindocenterla.wordpress.com – Regularly updated with insightful materials.
Cultural Integration Fellowship – culturalintegrationfellowship.org – A non-denominational religious and educational organization inspired by the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, located in San Francisco.
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) – ciis.edu – An accredited university that strives to embody spirit, intellect, and wisdom in service to individuals, communities, and the earth.
Auromère – auromere.com – Owned and operated by SASP. All purchases help to support the ashram.
NAMAH Journal – namahjournal.com – A journal dedicated to an integral approach to psychology, health and medicine published by the Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research, a wing of the Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry.
Russian Integral Yoga Center – integralyoga.ru – An Integral Yoga center in Russia.
The Gnostic Centre – gnostic.in – The Gnostic Centre is a research centre for the growth of consciousness. Its vision and work is to create and establish a prototype of the universities of tomorrow, which Sri Aurobindo considered as one of the best means of preparing the future humanity to receive the new consciousness that will transform human nature and society.
Know Your Rhythm – ninad.in – With many offerings including Savitri Marg Darshan (a series of meditative audio-visual experiences centered around passages from Savitri), Koham Soham (Who Am I? I Am That — a meditative film offering inspired by Sri Aurobindo’s poem “Who”), Project Aradhana (a series of bhajans based on The Mother’s ‘Prayers and Meditations’), and AUM TAT SAT, an Indian ballet which explores Sri Aurobindo’s visionary experience and interpretation of the expression.
Auroville The Divine Mother – vimeo.com – A collection of interviews with Auroville residents who had profound experiences when when meeting the Mother.
Our Many Selves – vimeo.com – A wonderful presentation on the planes and parts of the human being, originally presented at AUM 2016.
Integral Yoga: Coming to America – vimeo.com – A brief but thoroughly informative tour of all sorts of anecdotes and important historical instances of the development of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga in America.